Planning Board
The Town of Sennett Planning Board is a seven-member Board with primary duties including reviewing Change of Use requests for commercial businesses, approving subdivisions of land, and the review and approval of commercial site plans. The job of the Planning Board is to monitor the land use management aspects of the town while keeping in line with the town’s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Laws. Sennett has a great deal of diversity in its land use. Maintaining a proper balance between Sennett’s traditional rural and agricultural history and the commercial and residential development of the future is the primary goal of the Planning Board and its very dedicated members.
The Planning Board meets in person at the Sennett Town Hall the first Thursday of every month at 7pm, as needed. Meetings are available to view remotely via Microsoft Teams as well. For more information on appearing before the Board, please contact the Chairman of the Planning Board via email at [email protected]. Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is two (2) weeks prior to meeting date. |
Chairman: Bob Edmunds
Board members:
Planning Board Secretary: Heather Edmunds Links