Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is a five-person board appointed by the Town Board. The ZBA has “original jurisdiction” over interpretation of the Zoning Law of the Town of Sennett, and issues special permits in conformance with the Zoning Code. The ZBA is a quasi-judicial board which also hears appeals for variances of area and use, in accord with New York’s Town Law and Town of Sennett precedent. This Board also hears interpretive appeals of zoning matters decided by the Town’s code/zoning office. The ZBA must act in strict conformance with procedures spelled out in the Town of Sennett Zoning Law, and its members, at no time, may pre-judge any application.
The ZBA meets in person at the Sennett Town Hall the Fourth Thursday of every month at 7pm, as needed. Meetings are available to view remotely via Microsoft Teams as well. For more information on appearing before the Board, please contact the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals via email at [email protected]. Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is two (2) weeks prior to meeting date. |
Chairman: Dennis Sherry
Board Members: