Town Historian
Town Historians: Jim Vivenzio & Scott Longtin
The 1950 US Census was released by the government during Summer 2022, after the 72-year required wait.
You can view this Census on 1950 Census
Previous Census can be viewed on Ancestry as well as at the County Clerk’s Office and County Historians. Also viewable there are the
1825-1925 New York State Census in the years ending in five and the US Census prior to 1950. Census Lists
Happy Hunting!
Records on File
By state law, official copies of genealogical searches are $22 each.
Important Note
For genealogy purpose, records are open to all if they are 75 or more years old.
Additionally, please note that certain records are for family members only.
Ancestry searches available by appointment.
History Of The Town Of Sennett (
Origin of the Town of Sennett Military Tract Lands-l 790's
Town Historians: Jim Vivenzio & Scott Longtin
The 1950 US Census was released by the government during Summer 2022, after the 72-year required wait.
You can view this Census on 1950 Census
Previous Census can be viewed on Ancestry as well as at the County Clerk’s Office and County Historians. Also viewable there are the
1825-1925 New York State Census in the years ending in five and the US Census prior to 1950. Census Lists
Happy Hunting!
Records on File
- Birth: 1881 to Present
- Death: 1881 to Present
- Marriage: 1881 to Present
By state law, official copies of genealogical searches are $22 each.
Important Note
For genealogy purpose, records are open to all if they are 75 or more years old.
Additionally, please note that certain records are for family members only.
Ancestry searches available by appointment.
History Of The Town Of Sennett (
Origin of the Town of Sennett Military Tract Lands-l 790's